Trusting Your Song
Wednesday 29/4 15:45 - 17:30
This workshop invites you to find and use the great variety of your vocal expression in connection with your musical intuition.
Trusting in your voice & ears and inspired by movement, space, imagination & invention you will learn, how to dive into every new musical moment with full confidence.
Be ready to witness sounds, melodies and rhythms effortlessly and spontaneously interweave into unique pieces of music!

Johanna Seiler is a Berlin based composer, pianist & vocal improvisational artist. As coach for vocal improvisation she yearly teaches around 80 course days all over Europe - a.o. at conventions, festivals, conservatories, psychological institutes, theater & dance companies. Her self-developed, unique teaching approach is based on 35 years of stage and 25 years of coaching experience. In her circle song events she leads spontaneous choral improvisations with up to 1500 participants. As performance artist she appears on stage with fully improvised shows – with her all-vocal ensembles as well as in collaboration with instrumentalists and dancers.