Links & Credits
The NOW! Festival website has been created by Jaya Härtlein and Sten Rudstrøm. The site would not have been possible without the photography of David Beecroft. Unless otherwise credited, all photographs were taken by David Beecroft.
Photo Credits & Links to Homepages of Artists:
Sten Rudstrom
Jaya Härtlein
Ingo Reulecke
Photos: Roberto Duarte
Johanna Seiler
Ulrike Brand
Portrait: Paetrick Schmidt
Patricia Rigg
Jess Curtis
Photos: Robbie Sweeny
Performance w Stephanie Maher: Elizabeth Gorelick
Giorgio Convertito
Portrait: Alisha Czerlinsky
Photo Workshop: Noomi Ljungdell
Photos Performance: Laura Salonen
Trinidad Martinez
Photos: Hilke Packmohr
Peter Krempelsetzer
Workshop Homepage: Patrick Beelaert
Background: Peter Heather
Rahel Comtesse
Satu Palokangas
Kate Hilder
Markus Hoft
Seke Chimutengwende
Performance: Antigone Avdi
Matthias Rüttimann
Photo Home Page: Joel Schweizer
Photos: Rainer Berson
Biliana Voutchkova
Harald Kimmig
Alexander Frangenheim
Sabine von der Tann
Ina Rager
Photos: Rainer Berson
Stephanie Maher
Performance w Jess Curtis: Elizabeth Gorelick
Klaus Janek
Silvia Sauer
Performance: PingPengPerformances
Birgit Wieger
Portrait: Ralf K.Lang
Performance: PingPengPerformances
Zoë Tomruk
Portrait: Gevher N. Agbektas
Andrew Morrish
Anton Krueger